October 2, 2018

Industry is ever-evolving through new technology, upswings and downtrends in the economy, and trained workforce availability.

Through her study of industrial production in New Hampshire, Professor Marie Duggan of Keene State College has discovered the sustainability of many industrial firms. Learn more about how western and southern New Hampshire’s industry has weathered the industrial storms on Thursday, October 4th from 6 – 8 PM when Nashua Community College and Nashua Labor Coalition present “Trends in Industrial Change in New Hampshire 1970 to 2018”, the first of the 2018-19 NCC Lecture Series season in the Gregg Hall auditorium on the NCC campus.

“1980 to 2018 has been a challenging time for industrial production in the United States, and yet many firms in New Hampshire remain producers of precision capital goods that drive global productivity,” Duggan stated, adding, “How have these firms survived and why have the obstacles been so many?”

Professor Duggan will explore the sudden decline of the US machine tool sector in the eighties, how the rising stock market of the nineties distorted investment in industry, and why private equity is a dangerous form of corporate control for innovative firms. As she discusses industrial firms that have found success in Keene, Duggan will ask the audience for local insights into how Nashua’s industry fits the schematic. Duggan has taught macroeconomics and economic history at Keene State College for 18 years. She graduated from the New School for Social Research in 2000 with a PhD in economics. Her students have explored turning points in the local industrial base and put their findings on the following web page: www.industrialsurvival.wordpress.com.

The NCC Lecture Series is free and open to the public. NCC is located at 505 Amherst Street in Nashua. For further information, contact Sally Bashalany at 603-578-6876 or sbashalany@ccsnh.edu. For directions to the college, visit http://nashuacc.edu/contact-us