No/Low-Cost Textbooks available for many NCC courses
Since 2019, Nashua Community College faculty and staff have expanded the use of No/Low-Cost (NOLO) Textbooks – meaning required course materials are free, or cost $50 or less.
Students can filter their schedules to select NOLO classes. Just visit the schedule link below, and under “Class Type” select “Course Materials Under $50” or “Zero Cost Course Materials”
Quick Facts
- Many NCC courses qualify as NOLO, meaning that required texts are low-cost, or no-cost texts, or that no course materials need to be purchased
- More than 70% of English and Math Class Sections use free textbooks
- Because many intro courses are NOLO, it’s possible to have an entire NOLO semester, with classes such as: English 101, History 101, Psychology 101, Humanities 101, & Business 101
Laptop Lending Program
As many NOLO resources are digital, NCC set up a laptop lending program for students to check out laptops from IT for up to one semester at a time.
Additionally, the Walter Peterson Library at NCC has short-term laptop loans for up to a week at a time.
Degrees and Certificates