Our goal is to assist students who self-identify a documented disability to obtain college level reasonable accommodations and to ensure equal access to resources and supports that may lead to academic success.

Student who feel they need assistance but do not have a documented disability are strongly encourage to contact the Accessibility Services Coordinator to discuss their concerns.

Review the page information and then:

  1. Submit reasonable accommodation request
  2. Provide Supporting Documentation
  3. Meet with Accessibility Services Coordinator to finalize plan, if qualify

Information regarding students’ disability is confidential and kept separate from Registrar, Admissions, and other departmental records.

In compliance with Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991, NCC does not discriminate against students with disabilities in terms of program admissions and/or opportunities for academic success. View full Non-Discrimination Policy and Contacts.

Helpful Information (Q&A)

Request testing accommodations:

NOTE: There is no need to request extended time as the Accuplacer is an un-timed test. If you need more time than is scheduled, the test can be saved and you can schedule a time to complete it.

Request Records:


Release Information: