Nashua Community College > Career Training > Certiport Authorized Testing Center > Certiport Testing Request Form
The Certiport Authorized Testing Center at Nashua Community College providing the following Certification Opportunities:
- Microsoft Office Specialist
All exams require a Proctor Fee | Exam vouchers available for purchase from NCC |
Testing is scheduled as follows:
Morning appointments | First and Third Friday of the month |
Evening appointments | Third Thursday of the month |
- Exams are scheduled upon payment and subject to testing date availability.
- Requests for next day appointments cannot be honored
For more information
Email to receive up-to-date information on the Certiport Authorized Testing Center at NCC.
Thank you for your interest in the Certiport Authorized Testing Center at Nashua Community College.
Please note there are no refunds once the invoice has been paid.
Degrees and Certificates