After enrolling in NCC “on a whim,” Class of 2021 marketing graduate Kolby Lampinen is now off to pursue his four-year degree at the University of Tampa in Florida.

“I plan on attending the Sykes College of Business at The University of Tampa to pursue a bachelor's degree in business administration/marketing starting next fall,” said Kolby, adding he received a “significant” scholarship toward his studies. “I also am going to be living and working in Phoenix, Arizona for 3 months this summer, where I will be interning for a startup that specializes in ad tech and digital marketing for publishers.”

NCC Experience

Kolby first experienced NCC through the Early College program while a student at Mascenic Regional High School in New Ipswich, NH. After high school, he was unsure what to do, and enrolled at NCC “on a whim.”

“It felt like the right decision to make as I was not real confident with what I wanted to pursue, but I knew I wanted to study business.” He first considered majoring in accounting to break into finance and possibly become a financial analyst or advisor, but found a better fit with marketing. “I felt as though it better catered to my analytical-creative personality.”

Now with an associate degree behind him, and a path mapped out for his bachelor’s degree, Kolby said NCC was the right choice, “I could not be happier with that spontaneous decision.”

During his time at NCC, Kolby said the small class atmosphere and rapport with faculty stood out. “Being able to get to know my professors personally and have them aide me, not only in the classroom, but outside of it as well with career and continuing education advice has been my favorite part.”

“The business program has amazing professors that truly care about their students,” he said, and singled out Business professor and department chair, John Carlisle, Professor Patricia DiLorenzo, and Honors Coordinator and Professor Stephen Meidell for their support.
“[They] are all people who have provided so much guidance, advice, and wisdom and they do not receive enough credit for the value they provide.”

Choosing a Program

“The most challenging part of my program was probably finding the right niche and career within my major that I wanted to pursue.” He hasn’t selected a concrete career path, but said he’s eager to explore his options, “I think NCC has certainly prepared me for not only my bachelor’s program, but my future employment as well.”

Transferring to The University of Tampa

Kolby began connecting with transfer advisors at NCC and potential four-year institutions early so he could plan ahead – and it paid off. “I talked to a lot of academic and business school advisors both at other universities and NCC and they were all very willing to help with course equivalencies, requirements, financial aid, and any other transfer-related questions I had,” he said.

“People want to help, do not be afraid to just ask. Start early, ask lots of questions, do your research, and be open to new and different ideas and pathways.”

Advice to Future College Students

Ask a lot of questions, be curious, and stay flexible, said Kolby, “You never know who you are going to meet, what you are going to learn, or where you are going to end up.”

Community college is a gateway to explore academic and career paths. “NCC has numerous resources, and the cost-benefits are remarkable, which makes it such a sensible option for people who are indecisive and/or ambitious. I think community college is one of the more misunderstood and underrated educational pathways that many people tend to overlook.”

Venture outside your comfort zone. “Somebody told me a quote once that has resonated with me to this day: ‘If it scares you, do it.’ This may not be applicable with every scenario, but it has worked well for me so far. Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, even if it scares you, is quintessential for personal growth and educational development.”

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