As a service to current or prospective students and current or prospective employees, and in accordance with the disclosure and reporting requirements of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), NCC has designed this page to provide quick access to important consumer information.

Your awareness of the policies, processes and resources on campus will help you have a successful experience at NCC. The staff and faculty at NCC are here to assist you throughout your NCC involvement. Please review this information and feel free to contact Barry Garside at for additional information. Please contact the Financial Aid Office directly with any financial aid related questions at

Barry Garside
Vice President of Student and Community Affairs

General Institutional Information


Consumer Information Concerns and/or Feedback

Student Matters

We strongly encourage students who have a complaint/concern to discuss this directly with the person(s) involved and/or the Department Head. If this is not a possibility or does not resolve the issue, then please bring the issue to the following person:

Issues related to Academics

Jill Loveless
Vice President of Academic Affairs

Issues related to Student Services

Barry Garside
Vice President of Student Services

Information on how to file a complaint about NCC to the New Hampshire Department of Education, Higher Education Division
Textbooks (Once you have selected a course, select "Textbook Information" to see the textbooks required for the course.)

Health, Safety and Security

Student Right To Know

Student Financial Aid

Financial Aid Office

Fax: 603-883-1636
Office Hours: Monday 10 am - 6 pm, Tuesday - Friday 8 am to 4 pm
Address: 505 Amherst St. Nashua, NH 03063 Room 156
Please see the 2021-2022 Financial Aid Handbook for information on: Cost of Attendance, Financial Aid Programs, Terms and Conditions of Financial Aid Programs, Return of Title IV Funds, Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, and Rights and Responsibilities of Financial Aid Recipients.

Degrees and Certificates